I stumbled across a nice little area after not too long. There was about 4 feet between a building and a 3.5 ft high concrete wall which had grass on the other side that was level with the top. I traversed along the side of the building, up onto the concrete windowsills then did a small cat onto the concrete wall, qm'ed along the top of that, then hopped to the building again, traversed again, then did a little monkey from the building over the wall. Finally getting my monkeys! So happy. I then drilled monkeys, reverse and pop vaults and a tic tac to cat from the little wall to an adjacent wall, about 5.5 feet tall.
This french guy came up to me while I was getting my tic tac. When I get my foot on the wall I tend to kick out, so at first I was just practicing getting my energy to go up and not out. He asked me what I was doing and said it was sad to watch because I was trying to get over the wall but kept giving up. I explained that I wasn't trying to get over the wall, I want to do this: then I did the tic tac to cat (almost) perfectly! It certainly felt passable. I was soooo happy. See? Just have to let go and do it. So I talked to him for a few minutes about training and parkour while I had a water break and he said he heard people saying that I am crazy, haha! Awesome.
Got a solid hour and a half in, so I am really happy for that. The whole reason why I am in Paris for the month is parkour. Sure, I am taking french classes, but I am taking the classes so that I can better communicate with the french speaking people that do parkour! Funny how things work out like that....
So yeah, 3 more weeks in Paris. I'm heading over to Lisses/Evry this weekend to meet up with TK17 for the day and then again next weekend to train with Seb Goudot for a day. Very, very, very, very exciting!!!! Little nervous, but everything will be so much better than okay. Just have to let go and train. I'm then heading over to London on the 30th for as long as I can. I'll probably only end up staying a week or two because I am burning through money mad quick over here. :o( But hey, any time in London will be time well spent.
As excited as I am to be on this trip, I am even more excited to get home and bring it all back! To all my New Jersey/New York training buddies, I miss you!!!! Can't wait to see you again!
BOOO, pk man hands!

Haha, just kidding! Gotta love 'em.

1) That was friggin adorable!
2) Tell Duncan I say hi.
swizzeet, good stuff
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